Thinning hair.

It can make you feel embarrassed… unattractive...

It can even make you look unhealthy, or older than you really are.

I know how serious this problem is...

Why? Because I've worked with hundreds of men and women who suffered with thinning hair

It can drain your self esteem

Leave you feeling not-quite-yourself...

And unfortunately, once your hair begins to fall out, it doesn't stop… until it's all gone.

However, just in the past year, I've discovered a revolutionary solution to restore that fuller and thicker looking hair - that gets real and lasting results

And I've put together this brief presentation, to finally share it with everyone who's looking to regain that full, thick, youthful look

My name is Dr. Hal Weitzbuch, and I'm a board certified dermatologist at the Calabasas Dermatology Center - a world-renowned facility on the cutting-edge of skin and hair sciences

And after years of research - studying every method under the sun to reverse the appearance of thinning hair…

I'm here to tell you about an amazing new discovery… A shockingly simple way to give you the revitalized, rejuvenated hair you deserve.*

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

This breakthrough changed everything I thought I knew about hair loss.

Most importantly, it led to the discovery of what I'm calling "The Mulholland Method" - a technique so simple, you can do it right in your own home.

[LIVE ACTION clip of someone rubbing their hair in a way that looks like a "technique"]

What's more, one study shows that a key component of this shockingly easy technique can work nearly two times better than the popular hair-regrowth formulas you see in stores.[1]

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

In fact, in some cases, it may be more effective than a hair transplant procedure![2]

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

The "Mulholland Method" has already helped thousands of men AND women - including members of my own family - reclaim the thick, full, healthy look they had in their 20's.

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

They now report feeling more confident, more attractive, and being able to enjoy styling their hair again… any way they want!*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

In this exclusive report, I'm going to reveal the shocking reason why most Americans have never heard about this game-changing "hair rejuvenation secret"...

I'm also going to share this unique solution - and I'll break it down into 3 easy steps you can use at home to create a lasting change.

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

This video also contains a warning…

In just a moment, I'll reveal the popular hair regrowth treatment that can actually worsen hair loss - and has a scary list of side effects you deserve to know about.

I'll also tell you what you can do RIGHT NOW, during this video, to start activating your hair's full potential!

But before we get started, I want to explain why I'm talking to you today.

As of right now, I'm happy to say this video has helped thousands of people experience astonishing transformations.

But before I show you the simple, step-by-step process… I'd like you to do a quick test.

First, simply run your fingers through your hair. Take a moment and really think about how it feels...

Does it feel thinner and lighter than it felt years ago?

Does your scalp feel more exposed?

Do you notice "patches" with an "inconsistent" texture?

If you answered "yes" to even one of these questions… this brief video presentation is for you.

I'd encourage you to watch it all the way to the end, so you can learn "The Mulholland Method" too - and start feeling like yourself again.

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

Okay, let's get started


As I mentioned, my name is Dr. Hal Weitzbuch

I'm a board certified dermatologist in Calabasas, California, and an expert in hair restoration therapies

After receiving my degree in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University, I was honored to attend the prestigious Chicago Medical School, where I earned my medical degree

Since then, I've dedicated my life to researching newly emerging, natural solutions to the problems of aging

I've even won awards for my work in medicine, and been voted Best Dermatologist in Calabasas[3]

And if there's one thing I've learned in my years in the medical field... it's that youth is more than just your age

Youth is a feeling.

It's a feeling of vitality and confidence… it makes you want to get up and get out there every morning, and do the things you love

And based on what I've seen throughout my career... the FASTEST way to get someone feeling younger… is to get them looking younger.

I've worked closely with hundreds of patients who experienced the devastating effects of aging hair

So I know just how heartbreaking it can be when the person you see in the mirror doesn't feel like you

You see, this isn't just a professional mission - it's a personal one too

No case ever hit me quite as hard as one right in my own family

I'll tell you about that in just a moment - and how it led to my 'youthful hair' breakthrough

But first, I want to talk a little bit about why hair falls out

And why things like foams, shampoos, pills, and even special diets often don't work. If you've ever tried any of these "traditional" solutions for yourself, with absolutely no results, you're not alone

And you'll be SHOCKED when I tell you why

In particular, I want to share what I discovered about one product - the very popular over-the-counter foam that everyone uses -

Now, you've seen commercials for it… you've probably seen it on shelves in your local store…

Well, the company that makes that stuff, absolutely DOMINATES the market for hair growth (and a lot of other products)

In fact, they're so powerful, and have so many lawyers, a friend of mine - a local attorney here in Calabasas - has advised me to not even say their name in this video

That's how much of a stranglehold this company has on thinning hair solutions

But I have to get this information out to the public:

Their formula is made with the active ingredient Minoxidil which, for years, has been touted as the ONLY topical hair solution that works for both men and women

But in my opinion as a health expert, it's definitely not right for everyone - and could be potentially harmful to some people.


First of all... It's got a laundry list of side effects

It's important to know, Minoxidil was originally formulated as a potent blood pressure drug… but doctors found out by accident that it also regrows hair [4]

So it's no surprise it's got a list of potential side effects that seems to go on forever:


chest pain; rapid heartbeat; dizziness and fainting; scalp irritation; swelling of the hands or feet; unwanted facial hair growth in women… even sudden, unexplained weight gain[5]

And… believe it or not...


Yes - when first starting minoxidil, most people experience a "shedding" period…[6]

Which, in my experience, can last as long as 2-3 months.

Now, this is part of how Minoxidil works, and for some people, results do start appearing afterward…

But when you're dealing with hair loss, the idea of losing even more hair - especially when results aren't guaranteed - can be really daunting

Add in those side effects I just mentioned, and it can be downright scary...

Which is why many of my patients absolutely refuse to use Minoxidil products and, frankly, I don't blame them.

Unfortunately, other available solutions have drawbacks too…

You've certainly heard of hair restoration procedures - which can work well for some people…

But can be extremely painful, extremely expensive, and believe it or not…

That hair can fall out too - just like your natural hair did…

Leaving you right back where you started, and even more disappointed than before.

That's because hair restoration surgery doesn't address the ROOT cause of hair fallout, which I'll reveal in one moment

Another procedure we use is called PRP therapy, or platelet-rich plasma therapy…

Where we use your growth factors from your own blood to nourish your scalp and get hair full and youthful again…

Which is an EXCELLENT solution -

But it has to be redone 2 to 3 times a year for the rest of your life, at about $700 per treatment.

Well, personally, the more I saw patients getting frustrated by their lack of options…

The more determined I was to find a natural, safe, effective, and affordable answer.

As a scientist, when someone comes to me with a problem, my goal is to help them solve it…

With the BEST POSSIBLE success rate...

And WITHOUT creating more problems

I had been pondering this problem for almost my entire career - but the last straw came when I got a call from my Aunt Jean about 2 years ago

I've changed Jean's name here to protect her privacy…

But her story is one that's all too common, so I feel it's important to share.

You see, Aunt Jean lives with her husband in Chicago, where I did my medical training…

So we were very close in my younger days. She would invite me over for dinner all the time while I was a struggling resident, and was just incredibly warm, patient, and encouraging.

Aunt Jean always had full, thick hair - in fact, people would ask for her secret… and her friends were always jealous!

But when I got the call from her 2 years ago, I hadn't seen her in quite some time…

So when she asked if she could come visit, I was thrilled!

But I was worried too - Aunt Jean didn't sound like her usual, cheerful self.

And two weeks later, when she showed up at my house, I was stunned.

Aunt Jean's hair looked dramatically thinner

In fact, when I got a closer look, I actually noticed several totally bald spots

She explained it was so bad, she had started wearing hats everywhere she went…

In fact, as a volunteer at a local children's library in Chicago, the kids had taken to calling her "The Hat Lady!"

Then she handed me a quart-sized plastic bag and said…

"This is the hair I've lost… just this week."

The bag was full.

"I didn't think it would get this bad," she said. "It started out as just a little thinning, but now it's just getting worse and worse. I've tried everything and I can't stop it!"

Mind you, this was all happening even though she took great care of herself, and was in perfect health.

She was told it was "natural" and "just something that happens as we age" - her hair stylist even recommended a special "hairpiece" she could use.

Of course, it's no surprise - all the people who thought it was "no big deal" were people with full heads of hair.

But this wasn't about how anyone else felt. And it didn't matter if it was "natural" - that didn't make it feel any better to her

It was about how she felt every day when she woke up, walked to her mirror, and spent 20-30 minutes trying to arrange and rearrange her hair to look "normal"

Or when she looked back at pictures of herself from her younger days… and she felt like she'd lost that youthful vibrancy for good

As her eyes filled up with tears, I gave her a hug, and assured her we'd find a way to get her feeling like herself again.

So for the next year, I dedicated myself to researching safe, affordable, effective techniques that would be accessible to anybody -

And could help naturally revitalize thinning hair to look thick, full, and healthy again

I knew that if Aunt Jean and my patients were going through this, millions of other people were too

People who deserved a real solution

I'm excited to reveal that solution to you in just a few moments…

But first, it's important to understand exactly WHY hair falls out

Sure, things like genetics, stress, and diet play a role -

But new research has revealed that the REAL cause of hair loss may actually be...

Aging STEM CELLS.[7]

Now, you've probably heard of stem cells… but many people get them confused with something else, so let me quickly tell you how they work

They're your body's natural "blank slate" cells… they sit dormant inside your body, and can become any type of cell your body needs

And this is important…because they also control ALL your hair follicles[8]

So when they start to age… so does your hair

That's why PRP works so well - the growth factors we use help activate dormant stem cells, to help get hair growth back to where it was decades ago

But like I mentioned, PRP is very expensive, and requires an enormous time commitment… for the rest of your life…

But I began to wonder - could there be an affordable, easy way for everyday people to access the power of stem cells…

And get back that fantastic-looking head of hair from years ago…

Hair that looks full-bodied… strong… and possibly even more youthful-looking than before?

This was a HUGE longshot

After all, stem cell sciences are still very new… and controversial

And, I knew I couldn't do it on my own

Luckily, I had recently met a group of researchers right here in Calabasas who were trying to solve the same "thinning hair" puzzle I was

Because even though they're known here in Southern California for finding natural solutions to the problems of aging…

The one problem that had proven too complex and difficult to tackle up to that point, even for them - was thinning hair.

But that had always nagged at their lead researcher, Kim

You see, Kim was just like my Aunt Jean…

She was also struggling with thinning hair - and simply couldn't find a solution that really worked for her

And even though she had a successful career… great friends… a passion for travel… and an all-around incredible life…

When she looked in the mirror, she didn't feel like the amazing woman she was

And she knew if she felt this way - so did millions of other people who struggled with this problem

So she made it her new mission to help… no matter how difficult it was

And that was my mission too

So when I got a call from Kim asking me to join forces…

And use our combined expertise to make a new method for getting fuller, thicker-looking hair available to the public…

One that was truly effective, natural, and didn't involve any expensive or painful procedures…

I was thrilled!

It was exactly what I had always hoped for - for my clients, for Aunt Jean, and for anyone who struggled with thinning hair.

So I met with her team, and we talked for hours -

They were hungry to hear my medical knowledge about hair, what research I'd already done, what worked and what didn't for my patients…

And what I thought the most promising natural solutions might be

My first thought was to tell them about PRP and how it works -

And I told them that a natural, at-home solution with a similar mode of action, without the hefty price-tag or invasive procedure… would be a game-changer for people in need.

But I also warned them - reactivating hair stem cells was a long shot

I suggested researching fruit extracts, antioxidants, proteins, and enzymes...

To see if anything could provide the natural "boost" hair follicles needed to naturally produce strong, healthy hair again And I'll be honest - I was skeptical But I knew if anyone could find this elusive solution, it was Kim and her team.

So when Kim called to ask my opinion on a promising herb they'd found... I was all ears She told me they'd been studying a Chinese herb called Scutellaria baicalensis, also known as Chinese skullcap.

Well, I was instantly excited… This flowering plant is so ancient, and so trusted, it's actually one of the 50 fundamental herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine[9]

And it's no wonder - Chinese skullcap works by fighting the free radical damage that can contribute to hair loss… to help hair stay full and youthful looking…

But here's what really shocked me…

New research shows that Chinese skullcap has the little-known "bonus" effect of providing the body the nutrients it needs to reactivate its own stem cells.

In fact, one study showed that an extract of Chinese skullcap had reduced hair loss by over 60% in just 3 months.[10]

That means, in that study, Chinese skullcap stopped over half the hair loss!

This was HUGE.

So I agreed - if there were ever a natural 'youthful hair solution' that would really work, this special herb would have to be part of it.

But we weren't done.

If there's anything I've learned from my years of research, it's the importance of SYNERGY:

The idea that combining multiple effective solutions can often yield results far greater than the sum of their parts

We all agreed - we could help people get even more dramatic results with more ingredients, working together

So Kim and her team kept digging… and gave me yet another excited phone call when they found a newly-tested compound called MICROSIL® VOLUME

Now, this is NOT to be confused with Minoxidil…

MICROSIL® is different because it's not associated with the scary side effects I mentioned earlier…

And, in my opinion, it's far more powerful

You see, this special formula not only helps protect hair, but actually has the power to help it look shinier, smoother, and healthier-looking… thanks to its specialized blend of special cuticle-sealing silicones…[11]

That's huge!

Imagine what that would feel like to use Chinese skullcap and MICROSIL® Volume together…

Looking in the mirror and seeing dramatically fuller, thicker hair… hair that flows, bounces, and looks years younger

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

This ingredient was another home run! I was simply amazed that after years of hearing that Minoxidil treatment was the only way to get a gorgeous head of hair… There were now two totally different ingredients that really stood out - and had a real shot at giving people incredible results

But anyone who's ever worked with me can tell you, I'm a perfectionist, through and through…

And I knew the greatest gift I could give Aunt Jean was something that could make her feel decades younger, not just years And thankfully, Kim and her team agreed.

We had already found something that could reduce the look of thinning…

and something that could increase noticeable hair volume…

But what about really getting BACK that youthful-looking head of hair?

Kim and I believed there was more to be done with stem cells…

And that these might just be the key your body needs…

To 'unlock' the hair you thought was gone forever.

The 'big breakthrough' happened when Kim used her strong industry connections to get in touch with a small lab in Volketswil, Switzerland.

And amazingly, they had the same mission we did:

To help regular people get back their youthful vitality, naturally

Now, they may be small - but they're actually an award-winning lab that's been innovating in the world of 'youthful looks' since 1946…

And, they are famous in the independent anti-aging community for working with polyphenols

Polyphenols are essentially super-powerful antioxidants that help protect our cells from damage[12]

Which is why, just over the past year or so, scientists from prestigious universities like Harvard, Yale, UCLA, MIT, and CalTech have been racing to research polyphenols in depth[13] [14] [15]

And have discovered some amazing uses… from heart health, to skin rejuvenation, to digestive health… and even increased lifespan!

Based on this research - done at America's TOP laboratories - there was a real possibility some polyphenols were also powerful enough to help naturally boost your body's own stem cell activity

Which could result in:

● Less hair falling out

● A fuller, shinier appearance

● Renewed, healthy thickness

● And a younger overall appearance!

And it turned out, the lead researchers at this Swiss lab had been working on something extremely promising… A combination of extracts from European Larch Wood and Green Tea.

I couldn't believe it… Those botanicals are highly potent sources of DHQG and EGCG2[16]… two extraordinarily powerful polyphenols!

They told Kim this cutting-edge polyphenol compound could indeed help boost your hair follicles' own stem cells… to "keep them running like new!"

This was very exciting… it meant restoring that youthfulness you remember from years ago really WAS possible… for anyone who was struggling with thinning hair...

Hair that looks and feels thick, dense, and youthful again.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

I asked Kim to email me the literature they had on it ASAP

I studied the compound's concentration details, the method of production, and most importantly, the RESULTS of the studies they'd been conducting

And what they had achieved absolutely stunned me.

Sure, I knew these polyphenols were amazing… but before I read their studies, I never would have believed a botanical serum could...

Make hair dramatically denser and fuller in less than 3 months![18]

That is absolutely amazing!

(Before & After Photos)

Now, this is what the research told me…

But I wanted to see this in action for myself

I wanted to see if people could really achieve the thick, youthful hair they'd been wanting, just by using this one easy solution

And luckily, Kim and her team were able to secure a spot as one of the FIRST researchers in the United States to have access to this fuller-hair solution

It's called:


Redensyl® - a unique compound containing the European Larch Wood and Green Tea we talked about - works by kicking stem cells into high gear… pushing them to naturally activate the "growth" phase of each hair's life cycle

And it works like crazy

In the lab's own clinical testing study, Redensyl® increased hair growth rate by 214%...[19]

Twice the growth found with Minoxidil[20]

And this is a natural compound from Larch Wood and Green Tea!

In fact, in one amazing study, volunteers saw up to 48 new hairs per square centimeter... which translates to over 28,000 new hairs on the average scalp… in just 84 days.[21]

For comparison… the average hair transplantation session only adds 8,064 new hairs[22]

Meaning you would need three-and-a-half hair transplants - with each one averaging $7,800 a pop - to even touch the results of Redensyl®.

And when we tried a solution containing Redensyl, Chinese Skullcap, and MICROSIL® VOLUME with a few volunteers… both men and women... the proof was in the pudding

This stuff was the real deal!

REAL results

REAL transformative effect on your appearance

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

After using a solution containing Redensyl, one of our volunteers, Warren, said he's now back in the dating market at age 50, after years of feeling too self-conscious...

And another user - who used to rely on hair extensions to cover her thinning hair - said her hairstylist was struck speechless by how much fuller her hair looked!

Even better, she said she was able to try a new hairstyle she couldn't pull off before, with her normally thin, sparse hair

So it's no surprise that Redensyl® won the Silver Award for the in-cosmetics Innovation Zone Best Ingredient[23]

An award that recognizes the most revolutionary, game-changing cosmetic ingredients on the planet

And it's also no surprise that users saw such incredible results when Redensyl was combined with Chinese Skullcap and MICROSIL® VOLUME…

Remember, Chinese skullcap reduced hair loss by a whopping 60%, while MICROSIL® increased hair's visible shine, luster, and beauty!

The complete formula of all 3 ingredients has created what I believe is the most exciting hair development in the last 25 years

It's called...

JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™

And when I saw the amazing results people from all walks of life were seeing with this formula… And the results Kim herself was finally achieving - after struggling with this problem for years - I knew we had to share it with the world

After all, this powerhouse formula has the unprecedented ability to:

● Help recreate the full-bodied appearance your hair had years ago*

● Maintain youthful volume and density*

● Protect hair and hair follicles from future damage*

● Give hair a thicker look while adding a brilliant, healthy shine*

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

...Without the nasty side effects and safety concerns of other thinning hair solutions…

And, it works for ANY hair type!

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

In fact, we performed an independent user group†, to find out exactly how this formula would work for real, everyday people…

† Not a scientific study

And the results were unlike anything we'd ever seen before.

First and foremost, at every stage of testing, the vast majority of participants agreed Revitalizing Hair Therapy…

Was easy to use…* †

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

Did not interfere with normal hairstyling…* †

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

Made hair look shinier and healthier…* †

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

And was soothing and nourishing to the scalp.* †

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

But when we crunched the numbers on how Revitalizing Hair TherapyTM affected hair during just the first month… what we saw absolutely shocked us.

After only 4 weeks…

● 75% of users said their hair already looked fuller*†

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

● 70% agreed their hair appeared to be growing back quickly*†

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

● And 80% said their hair was actually longer*†

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

All that… in under 1 month!

And, as the study continued, the results got even more stunning. After just 4 more weeks…

● 94% of users said their hair looked fuller*†

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

● 89% said their hair looked thicker*†

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

● 89% said their hair looked younger*†

*Every individual is Unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

● And the majority of users had already gotten compliments on their new hair! *†

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

Just take a look at these amazing before & after photos:


*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

This was completely stunning. In all my years of research, I've never seen anything work this well, for this many people… in such a short period of time!*†

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

But what excited us most was how users were feeling at the end of the 12-week study. By then, nearly ALL of our participants agreed…

Their hair appeared to be growing back, and fast * †

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

Bald patches looked like they were disappearing* †

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

And their hair looked up to 10 years younger… a truly dramatic difference I never would have predicted!* †

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

† Not a scientific study

Best of all? It's EASY to use…

And you can get even better results if you use what I call… the Mulholland Hair Method

The 3-step process only takes about a minute a day… and can supercharge your results - for a full, thick head of hair like you've always wanted!

Here's how it's done:

1) Apply the JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy directly to your scalp, concentrating on areas of concern. The convenient squeeze bottle makes it easy.

2) Massage the formula into your scalp for a full 30 seconds. This step ensures active ingredients are pushed deep into each hair follicle and ACTIVATED, so they can go to work right away

3) This one may sound strange… but drink a FULL GLASS OF WATER first thing every morning when you wake up

Yes… it sounds odd… but your follicles need proper hydration to work at full capacity.

Easy, right?

Just imagine… in three quick, easy steps a day, you can achieve truly gorgeous hair… the kind that really turns heads…

And get back that vibrant confidence that comes with KNOWING you look your best!

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

This combination of unique ingredients has already helped so many people right here in Calabasas… and I want to spread the word even more.

So right now, I'd love to invite you to try Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ for yourself.

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

And in just a moment, I'm going to tell you exactly how you can get it…

But first, I have to be candid with you about something

The fact is, this is a complex formula, and not just any lab can produce it

In fact, the lab in Switzerland that produces our key ingredient, Redensyl®,

only works with a small, select group of scientists worldwide

So we've gained exclusive access to top-quality ingredients not available to the public.

Our lab team has calibrated the lab equipment specially to create a precise and potent blend...

And as a result, we are only able to produce small batches - due to the rigorous quality controls we insist upon.

And as this video continues to get shared over and over on social media… the demand is only rising.

Needless to say, that means I have only a very limited supply of this product at any given time.

And it's safe to say, you won't see this - or anything like it - in stores anytime soon.

Now, on the JuveTress website, the regular price of a one-month supply of Revitalizing Hair Therapy is $79. That price is firm, no matter what happens to the cost of the raw ingredients as the market fluctuates.

But you're not going to pay $79 today, not even close.

Because you discovered this online video presentation today…I'd like to offer you JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ at a special rate for new customers.

But before I reveal this special new price, I want you to think about all the

money you've spent on products like temporary hair-thickening conditioners…

Volumizing sprays and mousses…

Or even those risky minoxidil foams we talked about earlier…

With disappointing results - or worse.

I want you to think about all the time you've spent arranging and rearranging your hair in the mirror…

Trying to cover up the spots where your hair looked thinnest, so you could simply go about your day feeling normal.

You see, our goal with Revitalizing Hair Therapy is for you to stop wasting precious time and money trying to 'hide'...

When you could be CELEBRATING your very own youthful-looking, revitalized head of hair.

My clients say it's amazing to finally feel that constant worry lift away… as your newfound confidence soars.*

So if you've been struggling with embarrassing thinning hair, I think you'll agree…

Feeling your best again… would be priceless.*

But like I said - to make it even easier for you to get started on your

journey to a confident, vibrant new you today, I'm not going to ask you for

$79 per bottle…

Or even $69.

I want as many people as possible to experience the renewed confidence and vitality that comes with naturally full, thick, youthful-looking hair...

…so I've decided to offer those of you who made it this far - and only for as long as supplies last - a unique opportunity to try JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ for just $49.

That's an instant savings of $30!

But remember, this offer is only available through this video presentation - and it's only available until supplies run out.

And given how quickly this video has become viral - we expect supplies to become scarce very quickly.

When they DO sell out, this offer will be taken down immediately and Revitalizing Hair Therapy will return to its regular price of $79.


Since Revitalizing Hair Therapy launched in early 2017, we are very proud to be on track to bring over 10,000 bottles to people in need.

According to our initial data, we have reason to believe JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ could become one of the most popular hair health formulas in the U.S... by the end of this year!


The reason is simple - our amazing customers.

Our users tell us time and time again that Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ makes them feel more confident about their appearance than they have in years.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Because of this, the vast majority of people who try Revitalizing Hair Therapy want to KEEP using it.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

So, as our way of saying "thank you", we've created some special discount packages for you…so you can stock up, and get even bigger savings.

When you invest in a 3-bottle package of Revitalizing Hair Therapy today, you will pay just $43 per bottle.

That's $36 off the retail price of $79…and you'll get free shipping with your order today!

And when you invest in a multi-pack of 6 bottles, you'll save even more.

[NOTE: Our unique bottling system has been designed to keep your Revitalizing Hair Therapy fresh for a minimum of one year.]

So please don't hesitate to stock up now at the best possible price on this revolutionary formula.

However, because of the deep discounts we're offering on our multi-packs, they sell out much faster than single bottle options.

So click the "Next Step" button below right now to find out if these options are still available.

If we do still have stock available from this batch, the button below will take you to an order page showing your deeply discounted price options. I encourage you to choose an option and submit your order quickly if you're serious about getting back the youthful-looking hair you deserve.

Once we do sell out, Revitalizing Hair Therapy will return to its regular price of $79.

But right now, you can pay as little as $1.37 per day to achieve the full, thick hair you remember from when you were years - or perhaps DECADES - younger

And the healthy, head-turning look that really shines

That's why I'm so excited we're making this formula available to anyone in need… Because I want to make it EASY for my clients - and people all over the country - to live the life they really deserve… without worrying about what they look like

When we were developing this formula, there were four strict quality standards we insisted upon. I'm very proud to say JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy meets the following four criteria…


JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ contains NO MINOXIDIL.

Minoxidil has several potential side effects… and may even temporarily increase hair loss.

That's why this formula contains absolutely none.

That means no side effects, no toxicity… just safe, natural ingredients, for naturally thick, youthful results.


Since you'll be applying Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ daily, it's important that it be quick… easy… and mess-free.

And I'm proud to say, thanks to our unique, intuitive bottle design and drip-free formula, application only takes about 30 seconds a day

Without getting all over your face, or your bathroom sink

And once it's on, it feels great… my clients call it "soothing" and even say they can "feel it working"!

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.


We spent months trying to find a facility we could trust to get the most out of our raw ingredients - without compromising purity or potency.

I knew this was critical to making a product that would really deliver results. The facility where JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ is produced uses medical-grade equipment to deliver a medical-grade formula. Our 'perfectionist' quality control process is one of our greatest points of pride.


The quality control doesn't stop inside our lab. Each batch of JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ is tested at an independent, 3rd-party facility before the production process is finished. This facility uses a double-blind system to control bias and to make sure the product contains exactly what it says on the label. This lab tests for purity, content, and dosage.

The bottom line is, if a batch of Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ does not meet our rigorous standards… it goes in the dumpster.

So, needless to say, I'm very excited for you to try JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™…

I'm confident you'll begin seeing a real difference faster than you thought possible…

…and you'll wish you'd started using it years ago!

Imagine waking up every morning to a reflection you feel proud of… and knowing you look your best as you step out the door.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Your head is held're going about your day without worrying about how you look… because you KNOW you look amazing!*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

You suddenly feel confident… carefree… and ready to take on the world*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Imagine just sitting at your desk or in your car, running your hands through your hair - and feeling renewed thickness and volume you haven't felt in years!*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

You feel younger… more attractive… even more energized.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Imagine finally looking as young and vibrant as you feel!

That's what really gets me going every day and continues to inspire me at work.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

When Kim told me, "Dr. Hal, not only are our users loving their results… but my team also can't get enough of it!" - that's when I knew we had done it right.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

And these benefits…this is just the start.

And that's why I'm so excited about JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™…because I wanted my Aunt Jean, my good friend Kim - and everyday people all over the country who were struggling with hair issues - to have the confidence to enjoy life to its fullest…to finally accomplish their dreams.

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

This formula puts into action everything I've learned throughout my long career as an anti-aging researcher…

…and I'm confident it's going to work for you just like it has for so many other people.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

But do me a favor. Don't decide now.

Although most users see noticeable results within the first three months of using Revitalizing Hair Therapy…

If you order today, you can try it for a full 6 months…

And if your hair doesn't look and feel fuller, thicker, and simply more fantastic than it has in years…

If you don't believe in this product completely...

…we'll give you a full refund.

I want you to see the amazing results for yourself before you decide if you want to keep it or not.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

That's how confident I am that JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ will create a total transformation in how your hair looks and feels… and make feeling self-conscious about thinning hair a thing of the past.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Even if you've used up your entire supply and you're not completely satisfied for any reason whatsoever, we'll still return every penny of your money.

And you won't get the runaround when you ask for your refund. Our US-based customer support team will make the refund very fast and very easy for you.

This 180-Day Complete-Money-Back-Guarantee allows you to try JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ with absolutely no risk involved.

Here's how to get started…

When you click on the "Next Step" button just below this video, you'll be taken to our official website on a private, secured server. This site is encrypted with 256-bit technology to guarantee your security.

If you see an active website with package options for JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy, that means we still have bottles in stock.

Select the package that's right for you and your family, and let us know where to ship it…

…most order ship within 24 hours, sometimes sooner.

But please, do not hesitate to act now…this special offer will not be available for long.

Again, this is the only time you'll see this incredible offer - an instant savings of at least $30 if you act now - and even deeper discounts on Family Packages of this unique hair-rejuvenating solution.

And, you can start preparing for your transformation by starting with Step 3 of the Mulholland Hair Method TODAY…

Drink 1 full glass of water first thing every morning, to get your hair follicles primed for the dramatic revitalization they're about to undergo with the Revitalizing Hair Therapy.

Now, I'd like to get serious for a moment and talk about what's going to happen if you DON'T start making some real changes today…

The truth is, once you begin to notice that telltale 'thinning' look… that's just the tip of the iceberg.

It's only going to get worse.

Your hair's appearance will deteriorate at a faster and faster rate… taking on a wispy, frail, or unhealthy look.

Eventually, you may feel like you have more bald spots showing… than actual hair...

You may feel embarrassed… unattractive… and old…

This is hard to even discuss, because it hits so close to home, but I believe it's important for you to be honest with yourself about how you really feel.

You'll try to hide the problem with what hair you have left, but it will only make it look worse.

Sure, you could buy a wig or hairpiece… but it will never look quite natural

You could try using volumizing shampoos or sprays on the hair you have left - but these could damage your remaining hair even further

I've seen many patients remain in denial...

But as an experienced dermatologist and hair restoration expert, I can tell you… if you do nothing, time always wins.

And what really makes me sad - is how these preventable problems affect people's lives.

I've seen women who wouldn't take their hat off, even in their own home...

I've known people who avoided mirrors… stopped wanting to go out in public… and even became depressed because of their hair problems.

But I also know - it doesn't have to be like this.

That's why I'm urging you to take action today and make a positive change.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Try JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ right now - risk-free - and see for yourself.

I want you to feel the charge of energy that comes with looking in the mirror, and loving what you see…

And thinking, "Yeah, that's the real me!"

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

I want you to experience the relief of running your fingers through your hair… and finally feeling your very own full, dense, luxurious head of hair.

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

I want you to feel great when you step out of the house to meet friends… attend a special event… or even just head to the grocery store.

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

I want you to feel the youthful vitality you know is inside you…just waiting to come out…

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Please, click the "Next Step" button below and get started right away with this investment in your future.

You can also call the phone number posted just below to place your order with our US-based customer service team.

And remember, this special offer is only available until supplies run out.

Just try one bottle of JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ right now, get instant savings of $30 off the price of a single bottle, and see the effects for yourself.

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Don't forget, you'll get significantly deeper discounts on larger packages - up to $234 instantly off the retail price - if you act right now.

Try it for a full 180 days…and if you're unsatisfied with the results for any reason whatsoever, you'll get a complete refund of your money.

I'm positive you're going to love how this product makes you feel...

And I'm certain JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ can help you get back the full, healthy-looking hair you want… and the renewed confidence you deserve.*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

For your health,

I'm Dr. Hal Weitzbuch

<<<long pause>>>

Still here? You've probably got some questions…and that's very common. Let me take a few moments to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy.

What causes hair loss?

There are a number of factors that contribute to thinning, falling hair… genetics, age, stress, and illness being the most common. But just recently, scientists have discovered new evidence that the ROOT cause of all hair loss is aging stem cells.

As your body's stem cells age, they can no longer keep your hair follicles working properly. As a result, hair detaches and falls out - leaving you with a thinner head of hair, and in some cases, full bald spots.

How does JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy help?

Revitalizing Hair Therapy is a unique blend of three advanced ingredients, designed to provide hair follicles with the nutrients they need to naturally revitalize and rejuvenate your hair. The result is hair that looks fuller, thicker, denser, shinier, and more youthful overall than it has in years.

Compare that to the results of popular over-the-counter hair restoration products - which may cause temporary hair loss and potentially harmful side effects - and you can easily see why Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ is the right choice for anyone who wants to enjoy a gorgeous, youthful-looking head of hair.

How many bottles should I order?

Since it takes about 3 months to start seeing really exciting results, I highly recommend ordering at least a 3-month supply of Revitalizing Hair Therapy™ (that's 3 bottles).

Even better, you'll save extra when you invest in a 6-month supply - AND you'll have enough to make sure your results last for the long haul.

Keep in mind, we offer a 6-month money back guarantee… if you're not 100% thrilled with your thick, youthful new hair, you don't pay. It's that simple…

So you're risking nothing by stocking up!

Click the "Next Step" button below to get started.

How will I know it's working?

Easy - your mirror will tell you! Thanks to the ingredient MICROSIL® Volume, many users experience enhanced shine, luster, and manageability as early as their first application… with thicker-looking hair soon to follow, as our other active ingredients "kick in." (In fact, many users say they can FEEL it working!)[24]

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

And results only get better over time - as deep hair-rejuvenating nutrients go to work, you'll see your hair appear fuller and thicker before your eyes… with drastic results in as little as 3 months.

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

In fact, you'll be able to run your hands through your hair and feel the difference. Hair will feel thicker… more substantial… and stronger… just like it was decades ago!

What does Revitalizing Hair Therapy feel like?

I know you want your hair to be soft, smooth, and touchable all day long - which is why JuveTress Revitalizing Hair Therapy™'s formulation is lightweight, easy to apply, and never sticky or greasy. Many users report a light, refreshing "tingling" sensation when it's first applied… and after that, most users forget it's even there! You'll be able to style your hair as usual within minutes of application.

Does it contain harsh ingredients?

Unlike other products designed to address thinning hair - which often contain the potentially harmful drug Minoxidil - our active ingredients are gentle and Minoxidil-free. In fact, each ingredient was specifically chosen for its ability to work with your body's natural processes, never against them.

In fact, this formula was specifically designed to feel soothing and nourishing to your hair and scalp.

Of course, as with any new product, if you have any medical conditions or use any medications that might conflict with Revitalizing Hair Therapy, speak with your physician before beginning your regimen.

I hope this has answered most of your questions and concerns. There's even more information on the product page… so just click the "Next Step" button below to get started.

And let me urge you once again - if you suffer from thinning hair, now's the time to do something about it.

Your deeply-discounted introductory offer only runs for 24 hours before the price returns to normal… so please don't hesitate...

The most beautiful hair of your life is waiting!

*Every individual is unique. Your results can and will vary.

Click the link below to start your journey towards the look you want… and the youthful, vibrant feeling you deserve.

Thanks again for staying with me… I'm Dr. Hal Weitzbuch, for JuveTress